Sunday, April 28, 2013

MEPS Hotel

Today I went to my recruiters office one last time. He had me fill out some paperwork and have me an address to a hotel near MEPS. After I arrived there I was told to go to the 3rd floor to check in. I signed a list of rules and was given a room key. I then found my room, my roommate was already in the room when I got there. He is also going into the Air Force as "open mechanical". After making pleasantries for a few minutes I went downstairs to the lobby to meet up with my parents to talk for a few minutes. I then went upstairs and and played on my iPhone for awhile. That brings us to the present, my roommate is taking a shower and I am writing this blog post from my phone. I am going to bed soon, I have to get up at 4:30AM tomorrow to catch the shuttle to MEPS. I will try to post an update tomorrow, maybe when I'm at the airport. So I check back soon...

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