Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone had a great Christmas with their family and got everything they wanted. I would like to thank everyone who got me presents for Christmas!

iPad Mini, Smart Cover, USB-Lightning, Lightning-HDMI

The Dark Knight Trilogy (Blu-Ray)
100 Disk CD Wallet
Homemade Air Force Pillow
Assorted Edibles (Notice: Reese's Trees)
Star Wars Lego

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Happy Birthday To Me!!!

Today is my 23rd birthday! Yay! Thank you everyone who got me presents.

DodgeBall DVD
Medal of Honor Warfighter for Xbox 360
Coffee Cup, Coaster, and Coffee
(Mindy/ Tyler)
Axe Anarchy gift set
32GB Class 10 SDHC Card
Perfect Pushup
Listening to "Another Day in Paradise" by Phil Collins (the number 1 song on December 22, 1989) while sipping on some Glenlivet Archive that was distilled 23 years ago.
Glenlivet Archive 21yr
(gift for my 21st birthday)

Monday, December 17, 2012


My recruiter just called me and said my application has been approved. He said that he would put in a  request for me to go to MEPS Tuesday January 8th to take the ASVAB and Wednesday January 9th for the medical exam. He said that he would know by the end of the week if there was an opening for me but that he was pretty sure I would get those dates.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Waiting Game

Today I turned my application in to my recruiter along with my personal documents. The next step is to take the ASVAB and get my physical. He said that wouldn't happen until January. He said it would take two days and that he could get me out of work under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA). I don't know exactly what date yet and I don't know how much advanced notice I will get. I guess now I have to tell my current employer that I might miss two days of work with little to no notice.

Also, Happy Birthday Mom!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Speed Things Up

After losing all that weight I thought, why slow down and wait until January to take the next step. Well I decided not to and called my recruiter today. He wasn't busy today so I just went in to see him. He took my height and weight again and wrote it down as 5'11" and 188 lbs. I'm pretty proud of myself for being able to beat my goal and lose that weight fast. After he got my height and weight he just gave me a form to fill out and told me to bring it back tomorrow along with my personal documents (birth certificate, SS card, etc.) I also have to bring my official college transcripts which sucks because one I have to pay $10 for them and two I have to drive to downtown Indianapolis tomorrow morning to get them. Check back for updates.

"If you're going to be successful you have to be willing to give up sleep." -Eric Thomas

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Women Drivers

So last Thursday I got woken up by four teenage girls pounding on my door. Turns out they hit my car while parking. I'm not quite sure how you hit a parked car but they manged to do it. Luckily they just scratched it a little. Today I went to my parents house for breakfast and I re-installed the front passenger wheel well in my car that had been in my trunk for months. The next two weeks are supposed to be really busy at work and I have to work on Friday both weeks. This Saturday I am going out to dinner with my family to celebrate me and my mother's birthdays. Since I've already reached my goal weight I am thinking about calling my recruiter early, I'll tell you if I do. Check back soon for more updates!

Bonus Vlog, time lapse of my driving to my parents house. Please give me ideas for better Vlogs!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Happy December

It's December! Probably one of my favorite months it has my birthday, Christmas, New Years's (well until midnight). I am planning to go back to the recruiter on January 3rd, so that means I have 33 days left. I'm already at my original goal weight of 190 for the most part, but I'm trying to be an overachiever and leave no doubt that I am well under the max weight limit. So now I can enjoy December and relax my diet a bit, I can eat more sammiches with cheese on them. Because everyone knows that sammiches have to have cheese.