Thursday, January 31, 2013

"Welcome to the Air Force"

Here is the story of my 3rd trip to MEPS. I arrived at MEPS at 5:45AM and checked in with my liaison where I was given my name tag. I then went to medical and checked in there and waited for everyone to arrive. After awhile a med tech came and started handing out our medical records, he asked me why I was there and I answered "blood pressure". He looked at my record and said "you're already qualified, you're here for height and weight". So after watching a power point about ruled and such me and about 15 guys went into another room where we were told to strip to our underwear. Then we each had our height and weight recorded. After that we took turns meeting with a doctor who quickly asked us some questions such as; have you used any drugs since your last time here, do you have any new medical conditions, ect. After that I checked out of medical and took my paperwork to my liaison. They were busy with shippers (people who are leaving for basic training that day) and told me wait outside until they were done. I sat in the waiting room for almost two hours, then I went into my liaison's office where I did a weight lifting test where I had to pick a 100lb weight off the floor and lift it over my head. I then went to another office where I did a pre-enlistment interview where they asked me questions about my criminal history. Then they asked me who I wanted to get my life insurance payout and who I want to be legally responsible for my body if I die. After that they took my fingerprints. I then turned in my paperwork to my liaison who sent me to the control desk. They told me to be back at the control desk at 11:45AM for the next enlistment ceremony. So I went to the cafeteria and ate my "free" lunch which consisted of a ham sandwich, bag of chips, cookie, and a can of sprite. Free is in quotations because I had to sell my soul to the government to get it so its not really free. At 11:45AM I returned to the control desk, they gave me some paperwork and told me to wait in a room down the hall. There were seven guys including me in the group, a guy came in and talked about military law and such. He then took us into the ceremony room, it was a formal room with red carpet and a podium with all the military branches flags lined against the wall. The guy had us stand in rows and quickly showed us how to stand at attention. He told us that in a few minutes a officer was going to come into the room, we were to stand at parade rest until we heard the door close then we were to come to attention and say "good afternoon, sir". So then that happened, the MEPS commander who was an Army Captain came in and we all came to attention and greeted him in unison. He talked about what we had accomplished and our decision to serve our country. He then told us to raise our right hand and repeat after him. I said...

"I, Marc Harold Michels, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to the regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

After the ceremony we returned to the room we were in before and the MEPS commander came and had us actually sign our enlistment contracts. After that I returned my paperwork to my liaison and started my job counseling. My liaison went over some more paperwork with me, I signed some more stuff. Then  he went over all the jobs I was qualified for. He had me list them in the order I wanted them. After he put them in the computer he had me sign some more stuff and said I was done. He shook my hand and said "welcome to the Air Force". I returned to the control desk to check out and turn in my name tag and that was it, I walked out the door the newest member of the United States Air Force.

So now I am in DEP the delayed entry program. I am now waiting for one of the jobs I listed to become available, when that happens I will get a phone call and be given my ship date (when I go to basic training).

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!! It sounds like it was both very boring (all of the waiting around) and very exciting (being welcomed to the Air Force). Hopefully you got enough sleep before having to go to work that night. Anyway, congratulations and yay!
