Saturday, December 1, 2012

Happy December

It's December! Probably one of my favorite months it has my birthday, Christmas, New Years's (well until midnight). I am planning to go back to the recruiter on January 3rd, so that means I have 33 days left. I'm already at my original goal weight of 190 for the most part, but I'm trying to be an overachiever and leave no doubt that I am well under the max weight limit. So now I can enjoy December and relax my diet a bit, I can eat more sammiches with cheese on them. Because everyone knows that sammiches have to have cheese.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for a fun and relaxing December! Mom's birthday is coming up first and I'm trying to decide if I should bring her present to her on the Sunday before her birthday or her actual birthday (a Tuesday). Then it's time for your birthday! And I do agree, sammiches are better with cheese (if you're not too cheap to buy it like me).
