Friday, March 29, 2013

Ship Date

So I finally got my ship date! I leave on April 29, 2013! I am going in as "open mechanical" which means I will get whatever mechanical type job they have available and I won't know exactly what job until basic training. I have a lot of stuff to do in the next month, like moving out of my apartment and working out more often. I will also be quitting my job pretty soon. I will keep you updated on my preparations before I leave.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

DEP Call

Sorry it's been a while since my last post but not much is happening. Since my last post I have gotten a new recruiter. My old recruiter went back to his old job in the Air Force, as a aircraft mechanic. My new recruiter just became a recruiter but he seems to be picking things up quickly. I haven't gotten a job or a ship date yet but I hope I will get one soon. Since swearing in I have gone to three DEP calls. A DEP call is where everyone who is in DEP meets with their recruiter. They check your height and weight, and ask you if you have any new medical conditions. Then you talk about Air Force stuff like what basic training will be like and what things there to do on base. Sometimes you do physical activities, for example at my most recent DEP call we met at the YMCA and played basketball. Well that's about all for now I will post when I get my job and ship date, I hope that will be soon.